Contribution scheme 2024

Contributieschema 2024

Contributieschema 2024

In order to download files, you must agree once to the following terms and conditions for use of the Grazing Foundation certification scheme and corresponding documents and instruments.

1.   Freely available for direct and non-commercial users

Direct users of the certification scheme of the Grazing Foundation, corresponding documents and instruments are persons, companies or organisations who wish to comply with the conditions set out in the certification scheme for the purpose of acquiring or maintaining a certificate and/or license. These include, for example, prospective certificate holders and licensees or Certifying Bodies.

Non-commercial use of the certification scheme of the Grazing Foundation, together with corresponding documents and instruments, is understood to mean all use, other than described under 1. This may concern personal use (information/knowledge), use by extension services, and use for the purpose of education and (self)study.

2.   Not freely available for commercial users

Commercial use of the certification scheme of the Grazing Foundation, together with corresponding documents and instruments, is understood to mean use with the aim of creating added value for the person or organisation who uses it, with the exception of that described under 1. This added value can be defined in financial terms, but also in other ways, such as image. Contact the Grazing Foundation for further information.

3.   Copyrights

Further distribution or publication of downloads for commercial purposes is not permitted. The certification scheme of the Grazing Foundation and corresponding documents and instruments are protected by copyright.

The Meadow Milk logo is registered with the Benelux trademark office.


  • As the owner of the Meadow Milk logo, the Grazing Foundation establishes the conditions. Producers in the production chain of meadow dairy products are certified. Trademark owners of products that use the Meadow Milk logo request a license.
  • In order to download the files below, you must agree once to the terms and conditions for use of the Grazing Foundation certification scheme and corresponding documents and instruments. These will appear after the download link has been clicked.
  • Apply for certification by contacting a Certifying Body affiliated with the Grazing Foundation:
  • Apply for a licence by completing the form below and sending an email to Application form licence

Agree Term and Condition